Is your child…
-an exceptionally gifted student in some area of expertise?
-a unique learner who is intelligent, but cannot seem to make average growth in subject areas?
-a child who becomes overwhelmed in large group settings?
-a student who is not exhibiting age appropriate emotional responses, speech patterns or attention spans?
If you have an exceptional learner in the Wickenburg area, we would like to help.

Every child is unique in learning history, interests and personality. Many children are gifted, have learning challenges or certain characteristics that require a different path to finding success. We offer small group learning intervention groups for students in preschool through eighth grade. We have some options for high school depending on the exceptionality. If you are looking for a private form of education with a homeschool feel, Quite Write may just be what you are looking for!
We offer:
We can meet with you to learn about your child’s situation and talk about your options. We love working with teachers, parents and children to find the best option for students in need.
After an initial consult, we offer a variety of assessments to help create a plan of action for you and your child. We can simply assess one subject, or perform a variety of assessments and observations to pinpoint barriers interfering with learning. After the assessment, we will do a post-consult to go over strengths, weaknesses and discuss a learning plan which can be used in the child’s current setting our ours.
One-on-one remedial or gifted work:
We treat each child and family’s situation on a case-by-case basis. We offer a variety of times, dependent on availability. We focus on skills your child can take with them in life and into any classroom.
Small group instruction:
This is a homeschool-hybrid. Arizona law states that children who are homeschooled must receive 50% of their instruction from their parents (This guideline does not apply to ESA kids). Our small groups currently meet in the morning for 3-4 hours. We can target one subject such as writing, or all subjects using our integrating techniques. **Times and days will be established based on the needs of the group. Afternoon small groups may become available as needed.