-Individualized interventions -Small group learning sessions -Educational assessments-
-Alternative learning techniques -Challenges for gifted learners-
-Speech/Language Goal Practice-

The Exceptional Learner is our focus! For some students, the traditional school/homeschool environment has not produced success due to their unique learning needs. Quite Write offers services to students who are not flourishing in their current educational setting. If you are currently looking for an alternative form of education for your child, Quite Write exists to bring a custom, private school and homeschool partnership of education to the Wickenburg area.



-Why is my child struggling when I know he is capable?

-Is my child on grade level?

-How should I choose curriculum?

-Who can help meet my child's emotional and academic needs?


“This has been a game changer for our girls!” ~M
“We have been homeschooling. I just want to know where their levels are. I know they are good in reading, but I don’t know where they compare in the other subjects. I want to make a good plan for what they need to finish up this year.” ~ N
“The teachers are telling us that he is uncooperative and not doing well. I know he’s smart. But he’s not doing very well in school.” ~L
“I do not know how to teach this middle school writing! I want them to be able to write essays and such, but I’m not having very good luck with getting them to do it.” ~B


1How did Quite Write get started?
The big city has many opportunities for exceptional learners to gain support and garner learning challenges. There are educational therapy options galore that most families in the Wickenburg area cannot access because of location and cost. We wanted to bring similar services at an affordable price to our small town because we believe there are many exceptional students who would benefit from having access to these services.
2Are you a school?
We are an educational resource center, not a school. We are a homeschool partnership with you! We provide consultations, learning groups, and homeschool support. After consultation with you, we can work together to decide whether your child is a good fit for one of our morning multi-age learning groups, a specific homeschool learning plan, or one-on-one time slots.
3What curriculum do you use?
We start where the LEARNER is and move forward from there. At QW we use state and national standards of an age-range rather than one particular grade. We do not use one particular curriculum as used in traditional school settings. We use a Response to Intervention (RTI) model that involves pinpointing missing links, and then building those foundational brain pathways. Our masters level teachers use research-based methods that are tailored to each child's needs. By focusing on educational therapy techniques as well as gifted learner techniques, we can fluidly move learners forward regardless of their age or grade.
4What are your fees?
We have a variety of services and therefore a variety of prices. Please contact us directly to find out what services would work for you.
5Do I need to stay with my child during their services?
Students can be signed in with Quite Write staff and then picked up at the end of their session.
6I’m considering homeschooling my child but don’t know where to start. Can you help?
That’s what we are here for! We believe every child and family’s situation is unique. While our learning group services may not be the right fit for your child, we can offer you resources to get started on your journey to finding a form of education that works for your family.
7Can you homeschool my child?
We do provide morning specialized learning situations most days of the week for homeschool students. We can focus on one subject or all of them. We can help you set a course and captain the homeschool ship, or we can simply help you get started. According to AZ state law, parents must provide at least 50% of the homeschool education. (This 50% requirement does not apply to ESA kids.)
8Are your staff members?
(Emily: Focusing on Pk-2nd) My name is Emily and aside from being a teacherWho I am a wife, mom of 3, lifelong learner and outdoor enthusiast. I have 10 years teaching experience, 8 of which were spent teaching 1st grade. I also worked as a mentor teacher and Title 1 teacher providing math and reading interventions to students in grades K-8. My undergraduate work was spent in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. I also hold a Master's degree in reading curriculum and instruction. During my time teaching, I witnessed the incredible impact of small groups and 1-1 intervention and the power of individualized learning. I'm passionate about helping children use their unique talents and interests to discover that they are capable and that learning is fun
(Sarah: Focusing on 1st-teen) As long as I can remember, I have been accompanying my own mother in her endeavors teaching, leading and helping children. My name is Sarah, the oldest of her seven. I have now been a licensed teacher since 2000. My time teaching has been spent in preschool through eighth grades both in public and private school. I love using data to respond and intervene to produce student learning at the highest cognitive levels. My specialties include gifted education and alternative learning styles especially with 2nd graders through teenagers. In my daily life I am a wife and mother of three kids. My husband and I are fully engaged in this journey of life and seeking God's leading in our endeavors.
9Do you offer after school tutoring for students attending public school?
We do offer assessments and consultations for exceptional children of all levels. We help to target areas of instruction and set a growth plan for use in your setting or ours. We can work with a teacher to address lacking skills that may be linked to deeper issues. WE DO NOT- do basic tutoring services such as memorization or math facts. We do not focus on helping a student pass a class. At this time we do not have an after-school program. However, that could change. Check with us for individual time slots or future availability.
10Do I qualify for financial assistance?
We do not offer financial assistance. We are certified teachers in the state of AZ. Therefore, we can accept ESA grant and other monies that can be used for education services provided by certified teachers. All payments are due the week of services. We accept check or cash. We can accept credit cards for a 2% fee.
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